Donation Offer


The International Innovation Center for Aral Sea Basin under the president of Uzbekistan invites citizens of the world to make a donation to create a forest on the dried bed of Aral Sea under the following conditions:

General Provisions

1.1. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, this proposal is a public offer (hereinafter referred to as the Offer).

1.2. In this Offer, terms are used that have the following meanings:

“Donation” – “donation of a thing or right for generally useful purposes”;

“Donor” – “citizens of the world making donations”;

“Donation Recipient” – “The International Innovation Center for Aral Sea Basin under the President of Uzbekistan”.

1.3. The offer is valid indefinitely from the moment it is posted on the site of the donation recipient.

1.4. The recipient of the donation has the right to cancel the Offer at any time by removing it from the page of his website on the Internet.

1.5. The invalidity of one or several conditions of the Offer does not entail the invalidity of all other conditions of the Offer.

Essential terms of the donation agreement:

2.1. The donation is used to implement the project “My Garden in the Aral Sea” (planting tree seedlings, taking care, watering and etc.).

2.2. The amount of the donation is determined by the Donor.

The procedure for concluding a donation agreement:

3.1. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a donation agreement is concluded in writing by acceptance of the Offer by the Donor.

3.2. An offer can be accepted by transferring funds by the Donor to the Beneficiary of the donation with

  1. a) a payment order using bank details specified in Section 5 of the Offer, purpose of payment should indicate: “donation to implement My Garden in the Aral Sea project”,
  2. b) as well as using credit or debit cards, electronic payment systems and other means and systems, which allow the Donor to transfer money to the Recipient.

3.3. The performance by the Donor of the actions indicated in clause 3.2. of this offer is considered acceptance of the Offer in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3.4. The date of acceptance of the Offer – the date of conclusion of the donation agreement is the date of receipt of the donation in the form of cash from the Donor to the settlement account of the Donation Recipient.

Final provisions:

4.1. Carrying out the actions stipulated by this Offer, the Donor confirms that he is familiar with the conditions of the Offer, the goals of the Donation Recipient, realizes the significance of his actions and has the full right to commit them, fully and unconditionally accepts the conditions of this Offer.

4.2. This Offer is governed by and construed in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Signature and details of the donation recipient

Name of the Organization: International Innovation Center of the Aral Sea Basin under the President of Uzbekistan

Legal entity address: 230902, Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus district, Samanbai SSG

Bank details:

Karakalpak branch of JSC National Bank for Foreign Economic Activities of the Republic of Uzbekistan

MFI: 00582

Bank Account: 2269 6000 5009 3658 9001

Legal entity TIN: 305 827 359

Director: Mirzamuratov Nurlibek Yusupovich