About us

«My garden in the Aral Sea» is a project intended to fight the consequences of the Aral Sea disaster and to increase the amount of tourists.

The International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea Basin under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Ministry of innovative development of the Republic of Uzbekistan encourage your support in landscaping the Aral Sea area.

Since the 1960s, the rivers that fed the Aral Sea have been diverted, leading to the shrinking of the sea and creating an environmental disaster in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Residents in this region are confronting:

  • climate change;
  • desertification;
  • pollution and salinization of water and land resources;
  • extinction of animals and plants;
  • changes to the Aral Sea ecosystem;
  • increased seasonal change and
  • frequent dust and salt storms.

The former seabed is now known as the “Aralkum Desert,” spanning an area of over 5.5 million hectares. Now, the Uzbekistan government – in partnership with international organizations – plans to transform this desert and neighboring settlements in Karakalpakstan into a lush forest.

In fact, government has already begun planting trees in several locations and the desert has begun to recede. Landscapers have selected varieties of trees that are resistant to the climatic conditions of the region, including: ash, elm, catalpa, willow, saxaul, Circassia, and kandym.

Now, we are turning to you to help landscape the Aral Sea region for today’s and future generations!

We have created an innovative national landscaping project for Uzbekistan, and a crowdfunding (public financing) platform to raise funds for tree planting.

Specifically, we are landscaping part of the Muynak District and the desert area of the former Aral Sea. Our ambitious goal is to plant 100,000 trees by the end of 2020. Of course, it is important to not only plant a tree, but to nurture it so that the seedling grows into a mature, adult tree. When planting and caring for trees, we will apply the latest water-conservation technologies.

We are taking responsibility for the trees and will regularly provide financial, photo, and video reports on the ongoing work completed. Many volunteers will be working on this project, looking after the trees. For this, desert plant seedlings will cost $1 per tree. Seedlings of decorative plants will cost from $4 per tree. Coniferous tree seedlings will cost from $ 6 to $12 per tree.

We also encourage you to visit our region to plant a tree, or donate any amount on our website www.aralforest.uz

By helping to plant a tree, your donation and name will be listed on the website. It’s important to note that you can donate any amount you wish. Even $1 will help to plant a tree! Through our joint efforts, we can directly impact climate change in the Aral Sea region.

We invite you to help us improve the Aral Sea region and restore it to its former beauty.

Name of the Organization: International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea basin under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Legal entity address: 230902, Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus district, Samanbai SSG
Bank details: Karakalpak branch of JSC National Bank for Foreign Economic Activities of the Republic of Uzbekistan
MFI: 00582
R / s: 2269 6000 5009 3658 9001
Legal entity TIN: 305 827 359
Tel: +998 (61) 225-74-56