What is Aral Sea problem? Why people are making such a fuss about it?

Since the 1960s, the rivers that fed the Aral Sea have been diverted, leading to the shrinking of the sea and creating an environmental disaster in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Residents in this region are confronting:

  • climate change;
  • desertification;
  • pollution and salinization of water and land resources;
  • extinction of animals and plants;
  • changes to the Aral Sea ecosystem;
  • increased seasonal change and
  • frequent dust and salt storms.

What is #AralForest?

#AralForest, also known as «My garden in the Aral Sea» project,  is a project intended to fight the consequences of the Aral Sea disaster and to increase the amount of tourists by engaging them to plant salt-tolerant and drought-resistant trees at rural areas of Aral Sea basin and at the Aral seabed.


The project is carried out by The International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea Basin under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Tourists are welcome to come and plant a tree at project site or donate any amount on our website www.aralforest.uz

Tourists are encouraged to check their tree at any time by visiting our area.


Can you tell me more about The International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea Basin under the Presdent of the Republic of Uzbekistan (IIC-Aral Sea)?

The organization has been established in October 2018 by the president decree. It’s major goal is to fight the consequences of the Aral Sea tragedy. It employs about 30 people, and some of them have more than 30 years experience in the forestry at the dried seabed of Aral. You can find more details about the organization at http://iic-aralsea.org


What has inspired #AralForest?

We live in the heart of manmade ecological disaster. Recession of the Aral Sea has changed the climate in Central Asia dramatically. We want to take action and improve the climate change.

Also, crowdfunding by #TeamTrees has served us as a big inspiration.


Where will the trees be planted?

Specifically, we are landscaping part of the Muynak District and the desert area of the former Aral Sea. Formerly a sea port, now home to only a few thousand residents at most, Muynak’s population has been declining precipitously since the 1980s due to the recession of the Aral Sea. We would like to create a forest park in Muynak, where people can spend their leisure and hold events. These are Google Map coordinates of Your garden: 43°41’37.2″N 59°02’11.5″E


Where will you get the seedling and who will plant them?

Most seedlings have been pre-planted by the International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea Basin. Some of them will be bought from the local area. Of course, it is important to not only plant a tree, but to nurture it so that the seedling grows into a mature, adult tree. When planting and caring for trees, the IIC will apply the latest water-conservation technologies.


What is the survival rate of the seedlings?

The survival rate of the seedling is 95%. Such a high survival rate is guaranteed because:

  1. International Innovation Center has picked tree types that are common to this area, most of them are drought and salt resistant
  2. Seedlings, before replanting, are grown in the familiar environment, so it is easier for them to adapt
  3. Bio-humus is added during planting, these are microorganisms that provide nourishment for the roots of the seedlings
  4. Staff of the International Innovation center have more than 30 years experience in forestry at the Aral seabed


Where is the guarantee that my donation will go to the mentioned cause? Is there a transparency?

You donation will go exactly to the International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea Basin under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (http://iic-aralsea.org). Local mass media, bloggers will keep track of actions taken and the funds spent. International media, bloggers are welcome to do so, as well. Via our website we will regularly provide financial, photo, and video reports on the ongoing work completed.


When will the trees be planted?

All trees will be planted between spring of 2020 and spring of 2021.


When can a visiting tourist plant a tree?

A visiting tourist can plant a tree at any time of the year. The tree seedlings will be available in the rootball system.


What type of trees will be planted?

  1. Drought and Salt resistant trees: $1.00 USD per seedling
  2. Ornamental trees: $3.50 USD per seedling
  3. Coniferous trees (pine trees), estimated height of the grown tree is 1.2-1.5 meters: $6.00 per seedling
  4. Coniferous trees (pine trees), estimated height of the grown tree is 1.5-2.0 meters: USD 12.00 per seedling


Will the pine trees grow in the desert?

We would like to create a forest park in Muynak, where people can spend their leisure and hold events. We take the responsibility to nurture the trees, so that the seedling grows into a mature, adult tree.


What currency do I use to donate?

According to Uzbek regulations we can’t display prices in other currencies. The amount entered at the payment section should be in Uzbek Som (UZS). The bank system will automatically convert the entered amount and withdraw the amount in YOUR LOCAL CURRENCY. For example your local currency is USD. You enter UZS 10 000, the system will withdraw approximately USD 1.00


What payments do you accept?

Presently, we accept following payment methods: MasteCard®, Visa®, UzCard®

Following cards will be added soon: Мир®, and Humo®

Bank transfers are also welcome:

Name of the Organization: International Aral Center of the Aral Sea under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Legal entity address: 230902, Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus district, Samanbai SSG
Bank details: Karakalpak branch of JSC National Bank for Foreign Economic Activities of the Republic of Uzbekistan
MFI: 00582
Account number2269 6000 5009 3658 9001
Legal entity TIN: 305 827 359


How to get in touch with you?

You can get in touch with us by e-mailing to:


Also, personal messages at:


